Coverage – 180 sq ft (1 in depth)

Handleability – Equipment Required

Whether you use it by the ton, or you just like to have plenty on hand, EZ Street cold asphalt in the large, one-ton economy size is ready for you.

If you have a crack crew, run heavy equipment, fill big holes, and enjoy doing the job faster, safer, and more efficiently for much less money, sock in the sacks.

Or, you might just like being ready. If you’re likely to use 2,000 pounds of EZ Street cold asphalt on small jobs over the course of a year? Feel free to stack the bags high and deep. Your crews will love it—and so will your budget.

Whether you use multiple tons at a time, or one ton over the course of a year, one thing is for certain: it’s one impressive sack. And it makes one heck of a good impression on your bottom line.
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